Episode #6: Pitching in the Covid-19 Era, ft. Lisa Rowan (Lifehacker) & Frankie Rendón (SLH)
We chatted with Frankie Rendón, head of media relations for Student Loan Hero and Lisa Rowan, a reporter for Lifehacker: Two Cents, to get the scoop on what it’s like to work on both sides of personal finance media during Covid-19.
In this episode you’ll learn about:
The new challenges that both Frankie and Lisa have dealt with during this unprecedented time
Successful PR strategies that both Lisa and Frankie have seen work
Actionable advice for pitching under this “new normal”
Even if you’re not in the personal finance industry, this episode still holds some universal lines of thinking that we believe all PR’s should be exposing themselves to at this time.
And, stay tuned, because this is the first of many Covid-19 bonus episodes. Have an idea for a show? Email or Tweet at us-- whatever you fancy.
Time Stamps
00:03 -- Jackie gives an introduction to our Covid-19 series, this episode, and our two guests, Frankie and Lisa.
1:09 -- Britt asks Frankie what the single hardest thing is about working during Covid-19. Frankie mentions being a working parent and putting certain work projects on-hold.
4:24 -- Britt asks Lisa if she is strictly focused on Covid-19 right now as well as what the hardest thing is about working during Covid-19. Lisa talks about the shift from her usual pro-action to a more around-the-clock reaction in her reporting. She mentions Coronavirus-fatigue and writing under “the new normal.”
7:01 -- Britt asks Lisa if she has seen any unique approaches come into her inbox, and what approaches have been helpful/not helpful for her coverage. Lisa shares both examples of what to do and what NOT to do.
10:29 -- Britt asks Frankie what his approach has been with pitching Covid-19 stories. Frankie mentions how he strived to be helpful during this time, both through resource content and longer, conversational pitches.
14:55 -- Lisa asks a followup question to Frankie-- What was the hook to draw the attention of new contacts that he hadn’t worked with before? Frankie talks about checking in without being too pushy.
17:09 -- Britt asks if working hours have changed in light of Covid-19 for both Frankie and Lisa. Frankie talks about working during this time as a parent. Lisa mentions the lack of a seismic shift in her work life.
21:54 -- Jackie asks if business-as-usual coverage under the new normal is now under a Covid-19 lens. Lisa gives a thoughtful answer on what types of stories she is looking for in light of that.
26:42 -- Jackie asks Lisa if she has any final tips for PR professionals for pitching under this new normal. She talks about PR pitches not being the only type of email she gets in her inbox, and why PR’s should be mindful of that.
28:39 -- Jackie asks Frankie for any final words of advice for PR’s. His answer is sweet and perfect.
Resources shared by Frankie
What Should You Do With Your Student Loans During the Coronavirus Pandemic?
Survey: 4 out of 5 College Students Face Financial Troubles Due to Coronavirus Pandemic
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Connect With Frankie
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